The School Day
Brightside School (Reception, year 1 and year 2)
8.40-8.50/8.55am-Morning Work. Parents and carers are invited into their child’s classroom at 8.40am to support in completing morning work until 8.50am (KS1) and 8.55am (reception). This can be different tasks such as reading, maths, writing or topic work. Parents/carers can change their child's reading book with a teaching assistant during this time. A childcare based morning club is available from 8.00 onwards. Use the website links or speak to the office for more information.
10.30-10.45am-Morning Playtime (Key Stage 1 only). Children have milk (paid for after the age of 5) and a free piece of fruit in the playground. Reception children access outdoor provision and a snack throughout the morning.
11.50am-12.50pm- Lunchtime for reception children. Children eat their lunch in the hall and play on the playground. A range of sporting and other activities are provided by the lunchtime supervisors.
12.15-1.15pm- Lunchtime for KS1 children. Children eat their lunch in the hall and play on the playground. A range of sporting and other activities are provided by the lunchtime supervisors.
Daily Mile (KS1 only) Children have 15 minutes outside during the afternoon session to access the Daily Mile track. They are encouraged to run, jog or walk around the track. Reception children access outdoor provision throughout the afternoon.
3.25pm - Home time. Please pick all children from the main playground. After school clubs are available. Use the website links or speak to the office to find more information.
Each school day is 6 and a half hours long. This amounts to 32.5 hours over the course of a typical week.