Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. Let's get PHYSICAL!

Let's get PHYSICAL!

3 April 2020 (by Ryan Morris (Ryan))

Ways to keep active during the Easter break.

There are many ways that you can keep being active during this Easter period.

Start your day every morning with PE with the incredible 'Joe Wicks' These are tough but fun for all the family to do.

After lunch spend 5 minutes completing a 'Just Dance' or a 'Go Noodle' on YouTube. Here are some of class 2's favourites:

End your day with a yoga session- stretch out the muscles, work on that posture and wind down:

Lets keep ACTIVE and have lots of FUN together. Don't forget to send your photos to your class teachers and give us a shout out on Joe Wicks as we are doing it too!