Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
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  3. Anti-Bullying/Positive Behaviour Week

Anti-Bullying/Positive Behaviour Week

14 November 2019 (by brightside)

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week/Positive Behaviour Week at Brightside School. In PSHE lessons and in class assemblies the children have been learning about how they can be a good friend to others and why it is important to be kind and considerate. They have also discussed what bullying is and who can help them in school if they are feeling upset or worried about something.

The children shared some ideas in circle time of what they were going to do to be kind to others and to make sure that Brightside was a safe and happy place:

‘I’m going to ask other children to play if they look lonely.’

’I’m going to make sure I use a kind voice when I talk to other children and listen carefully to my friends.’

’I’m going to help children if they fall down.’

’I’m going to make sure I let other children join in my games.’