Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  3. Reading Challenge Winners!

Reading Challenge Winners!

11 November 2019 (by brightside)

'The more that you read, the more things you'll know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!' 

The winners of the first half term's Reading Challenge were announced today!  A big well done to class 5 who have brought the most reading slips back this year so far.  They have won a pyjama party in the hall with a film and popcorn on Friday 22nd November in the afternoon. 

All of the children who brought a reading slip back more than 5 times last half term received a certificate and prize in assembly today.  

Remember to keep reading at home.  See Mrs Sawyer, Mrs Boast or Mrs Beck in year 1 or Miss Webster, Miss Green or Miss Buck in year 2 to take a reading book home. Our library also has many different books that children can borrow!