Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. International Week/Arts Week at Brightside

International Week/Arts Week at Brightside

5 July 2019 (by brightside)

Hola, Hello and Bonjour! This week has been International Week/Arts Week at Brightside School. Each year group has learnt about a different country.  Reception learnt about France, Year 1 learnt about Australia and Year 2 learnt about Spain.


The children have found information, learnt new languages and created pieces of art work based on the countries they have been learning about.


Today, the children have celebrated their achievements with an ‘International Day’ where they have split into groups and moved around each class to learn something new about a country. They have enjoyed singing in Spanish, tasting French food and creating Australian boomerangs.


Well done to all the children for trying hard.