Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. A great summer fair today!

A great summer fair today!

4 July 2019 (by brightside)

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the summer fair today. We hope that you and your family enjoyed tasting the delicious food, trying out the bouncy castles, playing the sports games and buying items such as books, toys and crafts.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the different stalls. We would also like to say a big thank you to The Brightside Parent Group who made some delicious food to sell and contributed the profits to Brightside School. They raised over £200 from their stall alone.  We will let you know the final total of funds raised tomorrow.


We will draw the raffle tomorrow and inform any winners by text message so they can come and choose a prize.

We hope everyone had a great afternoon.