Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
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  3. Medieval Day!

Medieval Day!

26 June 2019 (by Claire Staveley (Claire))

Yesterday Y1 really enjoyed their medieval day...

To get ready for our trip to Bolsover Castle, the Y1 children had a 'Medieval Day' yesterday. They investigated artifacts from medieval times and made predictions about what they thought they were, the chamber pot was the biggest surprise! The children did some research and found out lots of facts about castles, and some children had the chance to write fantastic castle acrostic poems. Then we looked at the features of castles and how the features helped to defend the castle from attack! In the afternoon we made a prediction that the tallest person could throw the arrow the furthest... we tested this out and we were surprised to find out that actually that wasn't true! Four pupils were able to throw the arrow over 600cm! Wow! Today is our trip and we can't wait to find out more about castles and medieval times!