Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
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  3. Class 5 break a Guinness World Record

Class 5 break a Guinness World Record

20 May 2019 (by brightside)

Class 5 won last half term’s Reading Challenge! For their reward, they were asked if they would like to compete at the Sheffield Arena to help break a Guinness World Record.


The Guinness World Record was to have over 600 people playing hopscotch at the same time! Alongside many other schools, we managed to break it!


We warmed up and had a chance to practise playing hopscotch.  The children enjoyed learning the rules and throwing the beanbag onto the hopscotch mats. They even received a free t-shirt to take home!


Look out for us on Facebook on the ‘Move More’ page or on the news tonight. We loved feeling famous as there were lots of camera crews there. Here we are in the photo meeting the new Lord Mayor.