Brightside Nursery Infant School

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School visitor

16 May 2019 (by Claire Staveley (Claire))

This week a visitor has been doing some work with the children linking to our school garden and how we can improve it...

At the beginning of this week a visitor came into school and did an assembly for all of the children focusing on litter and waste and how important it is to 'Reuse, Reduce and Recycle'. The children were interested to learn about how long our waste (especially plastic) can live in our oceans, and how dangerous it can be for the creatures that live there. Our visitor then did a workshop with our Y1 pupils, focusing on what we could try to grow in our school garden. The children got to try some different fruits and vegetables like carrots, strawberries and tomatoes and they looked closely at what these looked like on the inside. They also found out what these looked like as plants and how long they would take to grow. It was a very interesting workshop and the children really enjoyed it!