Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  3. Year 2 trip

Year 2 trip

11 January 2019 (by brightside)

Local area walk and a visit to the cinema

The current year 2 topic is 'Why do people come to Brightside?'.  The children are learning about the different features of Brightside and why it is a good place to live.

To introduce the topic, we visited Vue Cinema in Meadowhall to watch Wreck-It Ralph 2.  The children said it was very funny and loved the Disney princesses that were in it.

After the cinema, we went for a walk around the local area.  The children spotted lots of shops, bridges, a power station and the River Don. They explained how Brightside had got lots of things to do!

We will use what we have found out to help support our literacy and topic work.

Well done for your fantastic behaviour today year 2!