Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Science Week!

Science Week!

13 March 2023 (by Nicola Fidler (Nicola))

This week is Science Week

Today the children had an assembly to explore what science meant to them. We read the book 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers and have been tasked with becoming mini-scientists. Floyd needs our help! He has gotten his kite stuck in the tree and can't get it back out. Over this week, each year group will be thinking of a way to help Floyd and will be conducting many experiments. 

A family challenge sheet has also been sent home today if you and your child wish to take part in our science week competition. Please note that the deadline has been extended to Monday 20th March. Our school council look forward to seeing how you can help Floyd and will be judging each entry to see who will win the prize :-)