Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. Attendance news

Attendance news

27 January 2023 (by brightside)

This week's attendance figures are:

Class 8 - 90%

Class 9 - 91%

Class 7 - 97.2%

Class 10 - 90%

Class 2 - 95.2%

Class 5 - 92.5%

Well done to class 7 who had best attendance of the week and the only class to hit targets!

Please remember if your child is a little under the weather it is always worth bringing them to school to see if they will manage. We can give Calpol and Ibuprofen as long as a form giving permission has been completed. Children often pick up coughs and colds but once at school find that they forget all about it once they are busy. School target for each child is 96.5%